Day After Election Day

As was expected, Obama won the election. I am proud of our nation for electing its first minority president. I am looking forward to the boost in our country's international reputation. I am looking forward to seeing if his economic plan will help balance our crazy budget.

But I am sick...I mean I am sitting here literally nauseated at the thought of Obama signing the Freedom of Choice Act which he claimed would be one of the his first actions as president.

I am disgusted with the Christians, Catholics, Jews, Muslims...every religious group who values life because if we had voted our MORALS instead of our POCKETBOOKS, we would not be facing the furthering of the murder of children.

I am furious at those who did vote for Obama who are supposedly "pro-life". How could you?! Is it all just too foreign to you? Are you just too far detached from it? Did you forget what it REALLY IS?!


I may be stepping on toes by saying all this, but honestly I think that one of the greatest downfalls of Christians is not wanting to step on toes. I mean, some toes DESERVE stepping on. If we don't speak up for fear of rejection, then only the opposing side gets their voices heard.

My heart breaks for the millions of additional children who will be murdered in horrendous, painful ways - ripped from what should be the one safe place in this world - thanks to Barack Obama. Thanks to those who voted for him.

I find that though I am still nervous about his plans for education and the war in Iraq, everything pales in comparison to this.

How many people turned aside from these innocent children - doomed them to their fate, just to have a black man in office? Just to have "free" health care? Just to pad their pockets a bit thicker? Just because they are impatient with how long war takes?

I am sickened. I am heartbroken. I wish the babies whose fate it is to die this way - confused, frightened, alone and in extreme pain, knew that at least one person is shedding a real tear for them.

4 Response to "Day After Election Day"

  1. DARALYN Says:

    Seeing the abortion proceedure is as important as a mother who is considering an abortion seeing the living baby via ultrasound beforehand allowing her to make an informed decision.

    The election of the first president to openly support abortion is tragic. But abortion has been done and has been legal for years. It is now, however, supported on the national level.

    Tragic. Lord help us.

  2. Lindy Says:

    Until I became a mother I did not comprehend the depth of horror that is abortion. I have cried and sobbed for these children many times since I became a mother but before then I never cried....

    To those who are not yet parents, realize that, likely, you are not seeing and feeling the reality of what children are and what abortion does to them.

    I am feeling sick this morning, too, Holly. The issues of healthcare and education freedoms and a non-military Comander In Chief are concerning, but they do not make me feel physically ill like the thought of the children who will be ripped to pieces, being burned alive in salt acid, being stabbed in the back of the head, etc. etc.

    The fallen human race is truly evil.

  3. Becki Says:

    I too am sick...I've talked with a LOT of fellow Christians in the past week and I would say about 60% of them were voting for Obama. When I brought up the abortion issue, all of them said they were concerned about other things. How can you be concerned about economics, education, etc, when the basic right to life is being denied? How can you justify blatently defying the Bible's command to not kill?
    I actually had one friend say that he was voting for Obama because he felt our troops needed to stop being murdered overseas, and that he felt this was worse than abortion! Needless to say, I gave him a piece of my mind. Men and women are not being forced into military service, they choose to serve and yes, they can die, but they chose that risk (for which I am eternally greatfull!). Babies do not choose to be aborted, they have no choice at all! makes me so mad! Sorry, I had to get it out.

  4. Deanne Says:

    You all have some very important points to make. I, too, don't understand how a Christian can choose to over look his stand on abortion as incidental. I could really relate to what Lindy said about the realization of the real horror of abortion that comes to you after going through with a pregnancy and becoming a parent. I grieve for the men and women that will come to that horrible realization years after they exercised their right to choose (abortion or the morning after pill) and realize that they have killed their own child(or children). May God have mercy on us all...and thank God that He does.