Today we went in for a check up appointment, as well as to talk to our doctor to get a feel for her, and her philosophy on pregnancy and birth. Overall she seemed good - a few things we disagree about...such as she tugs on the placenta to help deliver it instead of letting it come naturally, and she would suggest the use of pitocin if I am, for example, staying at 3cm for 4 hours, or if I am not going into labor fairly quickly after my water breaks. All stuff that we can work with as we get to know each other and when/if they arise during labor/delivery. But then I double checked with her that I need to talk to the hospital about the vitamin K shot and erthromycin, and not her. She said yes, but restated what she said at the last appointment that we cannot refuse either of those procedures... This is not true. I chalked that response up to her just not knowing that we can refuse any and all treatment we want (that in itself is unsettling) but when I pushed her for an answer on who we would talk to about that at the hospital, she got really adamant and leaned forward and said that "it is a bad decision, Holly, as a parent, to refuse those." Being anti-confrontational as I am, I didn't say anything, but did press her for an answer until she said that yes, we should talk to the head nurse at the hospital about it. From then on, both her and I were a little uncomfortable with each other and you could tell we were sizing each other up.
Tim and I couldn't believe that she said that it was a bad decision as parents to refuse Vit. K shots and erthromycin. Because after all, we all know it is a sign of bad parenting to spend hours and hours researching the pros and cons of this, praying about this, toiling over this, sweating over having to fight the system over this. (<--sarcasm) After all I have read, for a healthy woman with a healthy pregnancy, a healthy birth, and a healthy baby, it is much safer, and healthier, to not use erthromycin or give the Vit. K shot. The vast majority of doctors cannot disagree with this, and if you push them, some will admit it is true. The only reason it is routine is for those that don't know if they have an STD infection (so have to use erthromycin) or if it was a difficult delivery or if there are other issues which could cause hemorrhage (then Vit. K is a life saver).
It makes me so mad that the few couples who do actually take the time to research this and know their options, are healthy, and are putting the health and safety of their baby over their own comfort and ease are persecuted as "bad parents". It is so backward. Gah.
Anyway, as soon as we left Tim said that we're going to look into the Spokane Midwives again, even though we have to pay out of pocket for it, so we'll see what we can find out about payment options. It would be such a relief to have the baby at a birth center with a midwife instead of having a hospital birth with a doctor. I feel like going to a hospital and having a doctor is like going into enemy territory - not a relaxing situation in which to give birth.
Tim and I couldn't believe that she said that it was a bad decision as parents to refuse Vit. K shots and erthromycin. Because after all, we all know it is a sign of bad parenting to spend hours and hours researching the pros and cons of this, praying about this, toiling over this, sweating over having to fight the system over this. (<--sarcasm) After all I have read, for a healthy woman with a healthy pregnancy, a healthy birth, and a healthy baby, it is much safer, and healthier, to not use erthromycin or give the Vit. K shot. The vast majority of doctors cannot disagree with this, and if you push them, some will admit it is true. The only reason it is routine is for those that don't know if they have an STD infection (so have to use erthromycin) or if it was a difficult delivery or if there are other issues which could cause hemorrhage (then Vit. K is a life saver).
It makes me so mad that the few couples who do actually take the time to research this and know their options, are healthy, and are putting the health and safety of their baby over their own comfort and ease are persecuted as "bad parents". It is so backward. Gah.
Anyway, as soon as we left Tim said that we're going to look into the Spokane Midwives again, even though we have to pay out of pocket for it, so we'll see what we can find out about payment options. It would be such a relief to have the baby at a birth center with a midwife instead of having a hospital birth with a doctor. I feel like going to a hospital and having a doctor is like going into enemy territory - not a relaxing situation in which to give birth.