Quick update

I was inspired by Kristi's blog to write what's been going on here. We, too, have been dealing with fussy nights and days. Poor Cian is still fighting off a cold. I have perpetually snotty shoulders and shirt as he thinks Momma is a great hanky. I don't know if this cold is the same one or a different one he has been fighting off for several weeks, but it is worse now...he is coughing and has a runny/stuffy nose, his eyes are red rimmed and he is very, very sleepy and grouchy. What makes it even less fun is I'm fighting off a cold as well. Sore throat, stuffy nose, etc. Sleep isn't something I've been getting much of lately.

I've decided to re-arrange our living room. I hope it works better the new way. Our house is a really odd shape so it makes it difficult to find a set up that is functional and doesn't feel claustrophobic.

The infant potty training has been going great. Cian hasn't pooed in his diaper for several days now, and he is getting faster and more predictable when he goes potty in the sink. He likes it too. He smiles and giggles as we look at each other in the mirror above the sink. Babies are so much smarter then we give them credit for. It's fun to see him "tell" me he needs to go, and then wait until I have his clothes and diaper off, have him positioned over the sink, and make our cue sound before he goes. :) The next step is when he can sit on his own he'll go on a little potty that is meant for infants when he needs to go instead of going in the sink. This will be nice so I don't have to clean the sinks all the time. :) I highly recommend that anyone who is even just interested in this read the book "Infant Potty Training" by Laurie Boucke. This is much easier then I thought it would be - definitely comparable to just diapering, and we are saving diapers and preventing diaper rash, as well as teaching him how to control his "potty muscles". This is supposed to help prevent wetting the bed as well as making potty training an easy step instead of the fight it can be with some children. I can't wait to see how it works through all the stages!

Well, Cian woke up from his nap so I gotta go.

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